Tsunami Artwork by Finchampstead Wokingham Oil Pastels Artist Mohan Banerji

Tsunami Artwork by Finchampstead Wokingham Oil Pastels Artist Mohan Banerji

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Berkshire Artists

Artist: Mohan Banerji

Artist: Mohan Banerji

Tsunami Artwork by Finchampstead Oil Pastels Artist Mohan Banerji


Image Size: Approx 6”x 6”
Art Medium: Oil Pastels
Original Painting: For Sale – Please contact the Artist
Pen and Wash Sketches from £50

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Mohan Banerji

Pen and Wash, Mixed Media, Acrylics

Phone: 01189 730479

Mobile: 07786 435464

Please mention the Berkshire Artists website

Email: mohanb.banerji@gmail.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I first picked up a sketch pen or a brush in 2016! I have no formal art education, which perhaps explains the lack of a ‘style’. I love to record what I see, trying to capture a sense of place and time, drawing and painting where I live and where I travel to.

Pen and ink, watercolours, acrylics, pastels and mixed media are my go-to mediums. I love to explore and experiment: mediums and subject matter vary, but the thread that weaves through it all is my love of lines, textures and colours. I can relate to Walt Disney’s quote : “I can never stand still … I resent the limitations of my own imagination.”

Mohan Banerji - Reading Guild of Artists and the Wokingham Art Society

Art Groups / Exhibitions

I am a Full Exhibiting Member of both the Reading Guild of Artists and the Wokingham Art Society. In addition to having my work published, it can also be found in homes around the UK, Australia, Singapore, India and the USA.