Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Berkshire Artists

Artist: Wendy Mercer

Artist: Wendy Mercer

Contemporary Art - Orca - Cookham Arts Club member Wendy Mercer


Liquid Art

Image Size: 30cm x 20cm
Art Medium: Acrylic
Painting Price: Please contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Wendy Mercer

Artist in Oils

and Art Tutor

Please mention the Berkshire Artists website



Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I have always been drawn to painting, but my interest in Art changed dramatically twenty years ago, when I became involved in the use of art therapy, working with young people with educational needs.

In 2013, I exhibited successfully for the first time and have continued to do so. I particularly enjoy showing my work in an environment where I am able to meet the public and discuss aspects of not only my work, but art in general.

My work captures the world around me, family, friends, nature, scenery – I love being able to put what I see and feel onto paper or canvas and watching a picture evolve.

Growing as an artist is very exciting. I love bold colours, and the natural world always inspires me. With this I mind, I’ve ventured into looser, abstract and mixed-media styles.

Art Group / Exhibitions

I am based in Maidenhead, Berkshire and exhibit locally.

Wendy Mercer Maidenhead Berkshire Artist

Tutoring: Fun Liquid Art Workshops now available

Experimental, creative fun workshop having fun with paint

Fluid Art workshop
Experiment with Acrylic paint in a creative and unusual way. Using basic Acrylic paint, and a few extras create powerful stand alone images or more subtle unusual backgrounds for traditional painting. Each person will produce 3 pieces of art, using different techniques that we will demonstrate. Please contact me for more details.