Heat At Portobello Farm Landscape Painting

Heat At Portobello Farm Landscape Painting

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Berkshire Artists

Artist: Michael Norcross

Artist: Michael Norcross

Heat At Portobello Farm Landscape Painting

Best viewed with your phone in landscape mode (rotate phone if necessary).

Image Size: 91.5cm x 45.5cm
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Original Painting: POA including frame
Giclée Prints available £250 framed

All paintings are presented in a simple tray type frame where frame inclusion is indicated.
Prints can be purchased with or without mounts or frames and the prices will be determined by mount, frame size, style, and type of glass preferred. Please contact the artist for details.

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Michael Norcross


Contemporary Artist

and Printmaker

Phone: 07734 441814

Please mention the Berkshire Artists website

Email: michaelnorcross@hotmail.co.uk

Website: michaelnorcrossart.com

Social Media: Facebook Instagram

About The Artist

I create paintings and prints which draw on a wide range of subject matter, some of which involves views taken from nearby landscapes and parks and riverside local to the studio. My interests lie in contemplating a sense of place and colour relationships, through exploring such themes as: luminosity, mood and atmosphere, silhouettes and shadows.
Berkshire Artist Michael Norcross - Park Life
I make drawings and acrylic studies, however the majority of my work is created in oils, most of which are available as high-quality Giclée prints on acid free, archive-quality paper. These are in limited numbered editions at approximately: A3, A2, and A1 sizes and larger on commission.

Any of these can be ordered by contacting me by email or phone. All paintings are available as cards and I also produce hand-made prints using a variety of processes, including lino-cut and woodblock methods.

Art Groups

@Studio21, Reading Guild of Artists and West Berkshire and North Hampshire Open Studios.

Pigs at Goring – Landscape Painting by Reading Guild of Artists member and Art Tutor Shelagh Casebourne

Pigs at Goring – Landscape Painting by Reading Guild of Artists member and Art Tutor Shelagh Casebourne

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Berkshire Artists

Artist: Shelagh Casebourne

Artist: Shelagh Casebourne

Pigs at Goring - Landscape Painting by Reading Guild of Artists member and Art Tutor Shelagh Casebourne
Image Size: 30.5cm x 25.5cm
Art Medium: Oil on Board
Original Painting Price: Please contact the Artist
Giclée Prints available

Contact The Artist

Shelagh Casebourne

Landscape Artist

and Art Tutor

Please mention the Berkshire Artists website

Email: shelagh.casebourne@gmail.com

Website: shelaghcasebourne.com

About The Artist

Shelagh Casebourne is a figurative painter, with a studio in a Berkshire village on the River Thames.

After a career in publishing, she completed a Fine Art degree in 2010.

Her inspiration is taken from the natural world and from walking in the countryside.

A Landscape Artist of the Year 2020 finalist, she is equally happy painting plein air or in the studio.

Shelagh Casebourne at work in her Berkshire studio
Shelagh Casebourne - Landscape Artist of the Year finalist at Trinity Buoy Wharf

Credit: Sky Arts / Landscape Artist of the Year

Shelagh Casebourne - Landscape Artist of the Year finalist at Trinity Buoy Wharf.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - Semi-Final LAOTY
View Down-River from Trinity Buoy Wharf, East London
Fields at Aston Berkshire

Art Groups and Exhibitions

Shelagh is a member (and Secretary) of the Reading Guild of Artists and exhibits regularly in the area. She also tutors workshops at a local arts centre.

South Downs English Countryside – member of Artists at Goring – Maria Meerstadt

South Downs English Countryside – member of Artists at Goring – Maria Meerstadt

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Berkshire Artists

Artist: Maria Meerstadt

Artist: Maria Meerstadt

South Downs English Countryside - member of Artists at Goring - Maria Meerstadt

The South Downs

English Countryside

Image Size: 50cm x 70cm
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Painting Price: Please contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Maria Meerstadt

Landscape, Floral and Animal Artist

Painting in Oil

Art Tutor - All Art Mediums

Classes in Maidenhead

Phone: 07525 160306

Please mention the Berkshire Artists website

Email: mariameerstadt@yahoo.co.uk

Website: mariameerstadt.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Maria has always loved to paint and feels immensely privileged to be a full-time artist.

The ideas for her work are influenced by colour. She never sees a blue sky – only shades of blue, with hints of pink, apricot, maybe grey! Trees are colours created on the trunks and leaves by sunlight, or times of the day.

Maria comes from the beautiful Channel Islands and has been lucky to have traveled extensively, always absorbing different cultures and scenery. Thirty years ago, she discovered Scotland and her main joy is capturing the beauty of the Highlands and Islands.

Art Groups / Exhibitions

Maria is a member of Artists at Goring, Cookham Arts Club and is a Henley Arts Trail Artist. She exhibits regularly.

Maria Meerstadt Art Classes in Maidenhead

Maria is also an Art Tutor and runs regular classes in Maidenhead.

She teaches all the main mediums to adults, regardless of what stage they are at in their learning. Details are available on the website www.artalivemaidenhead.com